Friday, July 10, 2020

Learn English Online: How to Make Suggestions in English

There are many ways to make suggestions in English. Here are three of the most common ones. Why don't you try them out in your next English conversation? 

1) Why don’t we / you / I + base form of the verb*

• Why don’t we stop paying our office lease and just work from home?

• Why don’t I drive you to the airport on Friday?

• Why don’t we find a new supplier for our packaging?

• Why don’t we have a Zoom chat on Thursday at 9?

* Note: The base form of the verb is the verb without any endings. Examples of verbs in the base form are: run, eat, play, go, find

2) How about + -ing form of the verb

• How about letting our employees work from home as often as they want?

• How about requiring all of our customers to wear masks?

• How about giving all of our employees a generous holiday bonus?

3) Let’s + base form of the verb

• Let’s brainstorm ideas for new products.

• Let’s work on the project tomorrow.

• Let’s wait and see what happens before hiring any new employees.

• Let’s not plan any international travel for the next year.

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